If you get the ‘task Manager has been disabled by your administrator error’ on your computer, you have arrived on the right place. We are going to troubleshoot this error so that you can use your computer without this frustrating problem. All you have to do is stay on this page until we show you some effective solutions to fix this problem. Task manager is one of the most important utilities on your computer since it helps you admin all of your tasks. Without the task Manager, you won’t be able to terminate some glitchy applications and other spiteful content.

Whenever you need to end a process on your computer, the Windows task manager is the best utility to make this happen. However, when it says that it is disabled by the administrator, it can spoil your mood. We got some resolutions in this article to help you fix it.
Reasons behind Task Manager has been Disabled by Your Administrator
If you wish to know why this problem appears on your computer, we would love to explain. The main reason behind this error is the lack of administrator privileges. If you have logged into your computer as a standard user, you won’t be able to use task Manager effectively. You have to make sure that you are using your computer with the admin account, or else, you will see this error.
If this error appears even after logging in as an admin, then it is possible something else is causing this error. It can happen due to corrupted system files.
Methods to Troubleshoot Task Manager Disabled by Your Administrator Error
Using Registry Editor
The registry editor is capable of troubleshooting this problem by manipulating the system files. You have to use it very carefully since it can cause errors on your computer. Please follow the steps that we have provided down here:
Press the start + R keys on your computer to launch the run dialogue box.
In the textbox, simply search for ‘regedit.’
Press the enter key on your keyboard and wait for the command to succeed.
This will send you to the windows registry editor.
Please navigate to the “HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System” directory.
Make sure the System folder is available inside the Policies folder.
If the Policies folder doesn’t have the system folder, you will need to create it manually.
Make a right-click on the Policies folder and select New.
Then click on the key and rename the file as System.
Open the System folder that is just created and check whether it has the “DisableTaskMgr” file or not.
If there is no file inside this folder, then you will have to create the DisableTaskMgr file inside the System folder that you just created.
To create it, open the System folder and then right-click it.
Click on New and select Dword 32-bit value.
Rename this newly created file as DisableTaskMgr.
Open the DisableTaskMgr file when it appears.
Make sure the value data is zero.
Click OK.
Close all windows and tabs on a computer, and then make sure to restart your device.
Check whether the task manager is working optimally or not. If you again see the Task Manager has been disabled by the administrator error, please follow the next solution.
2. Using the Registry File
Please follow the given below instructions to create an essential Windows registry file to fix the task manager:
Navigate to the Notepad on your computer. Notepad is a built-in in Windows operating systems, and you can open it simply by searching for it in the start menu. You have to open it with the admin privileges. To do so, simply open the start menu, search for Notepad, right-click it, and select run as administrator.
After opening the notepad application, please copy and paste the “Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
“DisableTaskMgr” =dword:00000000″ command.
Now save the Notepad file as DisableTaskMgr.reg.
Double click the file and open it.
Click the Yes button on your screen to continue.
This will open the Task Manager on your screen.
You can also open it manually.
If you are unable to open it, then please restart your computer and check again.
3. Via Command Prompt
The command prompt is a perfect method to fix your computer’s critical errors. All you have to do is simply follow the guidelines provided below:
Search for the command prompt in the start menu.
When the results appear, perform a right-click on the command prompt app.
Select run as administrator.
Copy the “REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f” command and paste it into the window.
Press the enter key on the keyboard to perform the command.
Restart your computer when the process finishes.
This will fix the problem forever on your computer, and you will not see it again and again.
We hope the solutions that we gave you in this article were effective and helpful. If you follow each of these solutions carefully, you will be able to fix the ‘task manager has been disabled by your administrator’ error.