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Phasmophobia: Every Ghost’s Strengths & Weaknesses


The cooperative Phasmophobia is a VR horror game that can be played solo or with a team of players. There are several purposes in the game, with the primary target being to recognize which kind of spirit is haunting the place.

Finishing this main task needs the utilization of distinct tools and bravery to go inside the haunted location. The game comprises a total of 12 types of spirits with distinct abilities to recognize.

This blog post will help you the next time you will play the ghost investigator game. It covers the weaknesses and strengths of the multiple spirits, their strategies, and finding evidence on each ghost type.

So, let us help you explore all of the evidence that you require before your prudence decreases to drastically low levels and you become the spirit’s next victim.

The Strengths, Weaknesses, and Evidence on Each Ghost in Phasmophobia

Spirit – The very common ghost players will find in Phasmophobia VR game. This will generally be the very first ghost new players see.

  • Strength:They have no strengths in specific, as they are pushed towards new players.

  • Weakness:Smudge Sticks will halt them from invading for a while, enabling players to gather clues freely.

Wraith – It is one of the dangerous species of ghosts. Wraiths are capable of flying and can pass through the doors and walls.

  • Strength: As Wraiths can fly, they cannot be traced by their footsteps.

  • Weakness: They are vulnerable to salt. They will halt hunting upon coming into contact with salt. However, it is easier to say than doing, as the Wraith will generally fly right over salt stacks.

Phantom – Phantoms are also fairly common. However, they have a more aggressive nature than Spirits.

  • Strength: They will have a true toll on players’ prudence. Prevent yourself from being in the presence of or staring straight at a Phantom for a while.

  • Weakness: Clicking a picture of a Phantom will make it temporarily vanish, providing players a chance to run away.

Poltergeist – This ghost will manipulate players and throw objects in their area.

  • Strength: They can leave a heavy impact on the place players are at. It is capable of throwing hundreds of objects as well as making loud noises.

  • Weakness: Removing physical objects from the room can cause a drop in its strength and makes a Poltergeist ineffective.

Banshee – This spirit is Highly efficient at targeting and killing singled-out players.

  • Strength: It will concentrate on a single player, particularly those who try to face the Banshee alone.

  • Weakness: High strung to the utilization of a crucifix to cull their anger.

Jinn – A truly fast spirit that will quickly invade players when provoked.

  • Strength: The speed of a Jinn makes it a truly nasty spirit. It is tough to escape after it starts hunting.

  • Weakness: Jinns depend on the map’s power source to gain their high speeds, so players have to search for the circuit breaker of the building in order to restrict the Jinn’s abilities.

Mare – A powerful spirit who gets even more power when in the dark.

  • Strength: Mares are the ghosts who prosper in the darkness and will surely start to invade instantly as the lights go out.

  • Weakness: Keeping the Mare’s area illuminated will surely lower the likelihood that it began to attack.

Revenant – An extremely aggressive spirit that can invade furiously.

  • Strength: They move really quickly when they start attacking, providing players fewer options to escape.

  • Weakness: If players find a chance to hide from this aggressive ghost, its speed will drastically drop.

Shade – Shade is commonly known as the “Shy Ghost.” But they can be challenging to find as they will stop paranormal activity in the presence of several people.

  • Strength: They can be challenging to locate and hence tough to gather evidence on.

  • Weakness: Their strength is in the group of people. So, you can use it against a Shade by reducing the number of people, as Shades will not invade a group of people.

Demon – The extremely angry ghost of Phasmophobia game. Demons will invade players very frequently, sometimes even without any provocation.

  • Strength: Demons can be tough to collect evidence on as they will invade players extremely often.

  • Weakness: Not like other ghosts, asking a Demon a successful question through the Ouija Board will likely not minimize players’ prudence. So, you can use the Ouija Board as a very useful tool against Demons.

Yurei – A vindictive ghost who has a serious effect on players’ prudence.

  • Strength: All the Yureis will decrease players’ prudence while they are looking at it faster than any other spirit but can also drop sanity even when a player is moved away.

  • Weakness: All the Yureis are vulnerable to Smudge Sticks. Plus, smudging the room completely will make the Yurei stay in place for a while.

Oni – Considerably the most violent and active compared to any other spirits. Oni is credibly a combination of a Poltergeist and a Demon.

  • Strength: Onis have got the power to throw around the physical objects similar to a Poltergeist whilst also possessing the aggression of a Demon. This makes Onis challenging to collect evidence around without making them angry.

  • Weakness: Onis can be found easily, as they can’t prohibit making a ruckus when players are moving around.

In the Halloween season, an aider horror game likePhasmophobia is the best medicine for players’ wish to get fearsome. It is also a game that handles crafting a truly unique gameplay experience, providing hours of fun with a team of paranormally inclined folks. While so many of the game’s mechanics can forfend novice players, it can help tremendously for these gamers to at least be capable of sorting out which type of spirit they are up against and how to manage them. How efficiently they utilize this knowledge and whether or not they can get out alive, though, is completely up to them.

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